About Me

Name Laura Miller
Gender Female
Age 22
Location Houston, TX
Ethnicity Pacific Islander
Status In a relationship


Showing latest 2 of 2 comments

Hopefully it won't be too frustrating for you... I'll bet you'll figure it out pretty quick. (:
Ahhh, the wonders of HTML. Haha. Well I'm not any expert as far HTML goes, but I do know some stuff. So I guess if you have any questions, I can try to help.

By thememoriesmyriad on Jan 12, 2008 7:15 pm · History

Hey, welcome to CreateBlog!

By thememoriesmyriad on Jan 11, 2008 5:27 pm · History


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Group Member
Registered Jan 10, 2008
Last update Jan 11, 2008

Recent Photos

1 photos

Me and my baby.